This is a handmade wedding gift from me to a cousin. Hope she will like it.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
New Polo-T
Since today is a public holiday for Selangor state (means i do not need to wake up too early for work), so i went for a quick shopping after dinner at Ikano last night. Sis didn't really bring many clothes back from Melb, so I bought her and myself polo-T from PDI. Its just a simple polo-T, i hope she will like it.
Afternoon nap with Ginger
A happy & sad weekend...
Last weekend was a good weekend despite a small portion of it was a sad one , the sad story shall come last in this what happened was:
Friday pm: Rushed back from work, had dinner and went back to Ipoh
Saturday am: Woke up in the morning, fed Pipi, had breakfast and drove back to Sg. Petani.
Saturday pm: Met my parents, sis and and dear nephew YS, and went around visiting my aunts and uncles.
Sunday am: breakfast and packing
Sunday noon: Grandma birthday lunch and balik Ipoh
Sunday pm: Reached Ipoh around 6pm, had dinner and head back to PJ at 9pm and reached around 12midnight
Friday pm: received a call from office regarding a mistake in an ad that i am in charge.
Saturday: miserable ...
Sunday: miserable...
I still kinda miserable coz i think that's the very 1st time i made such a mistake at work...guess i just gotta learn to cope with it and be extra careful in future...thank God my superior was understanding enough that it was a last minutes rush job...pheeww...
Friday pm: Rushed back from work, had dinner and went back to Ipoh
Saturday am: Woke up in the morning, fed Pipi, had breakfast and drove back to Sg. Petani.
Saturday pm: Met my parents, sis and and dear nephew YS, and went around visiting my aunts and uncles.
Sunday am: breakfast and packing
Sunday noon: Grandma birthday lunch and balik Ipoh
Sunday pm: Reached Ipoh around 6pm, had dinner and head back to PJ at 9pm and reached around 12midnight
Friday pm: received a call from office regarding a mistake in an ad that i am in charge.
Saturday: miserable ...
Sunday: miserable...
I still kinda miserable coz i think that's the very 1st time i made such a mistake at work...guess i just gotta learn to cope with it and be extra careful in future...thank God my superior was understanding enough that it was a last minutes rush job...pheeww...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Best afternoon ever...
This afternoon is one of the best afternoon ever in my working life in KL so far, with no prior mention and planning, Theng and myself started to clean our house! We cleaned those dirty and dusty areas (we usually try to skip those difficult to reach and move areas during our weekly cleaning) and mop more than 10 times...we cleaned the living room, dining areas, kitchen and the balcony, we even took out all the empty containers, cooking and eating utensils and clean them all. Not just that, we also moved the furnitures around so that it looks neater and more spacious. Pheew...although is really tiring yet its a great afternoon and we are truly satisfied about the team work and hard work to make our house a better place to stay. =)
Friday, November 9, 2007
Learning Hua Yu
Yup, i know it sounds funny to have such a title, coz i am one that do not need to learn about Bahasa Cina, Mandarin or Hua Yu...simply because i am already a chinese educated girl ( no doubt i did O-level, my Mandarin is not that great nor my English is fantastic) Sigh! sad huh...Until today, im still learning everyday from chinese newspaper and i have to check the chinese dictionary (which i hated most during primary and secondary school days) daily. WHY am i doing such a thing??? BECAUSE i am the only person who so call know Mandarin in my whole department, and all chinese ad, chinese copy has gotta check thru by ME, can you guys believe that i am proof reading chinese copy. What to do...since i have the benefit of being a chinese educated girl (which i am honestly proud of it and thanks to my dad for sending me to chinese school), i need to improve my chinese by reading more now. I sometimes find it stressful to check all the chinese ad and the copywriting, always worry that others may not agree with the word used and etc..etc..All i can do now is just to read more, look more into my dear dictionary. I just want to be better and better in no matter what i am doing.......
Sis & Yong Shuan is coming back!
2 days back was one of the happiest day in my life, that is: to know that sis is coming back from Melb in just 3 weeks times. Im just happy about the fact that she is coming back and not to forget my dear nephew Yong Shuan too! Although my bro in law will still be in Melb working but he will be back by CNY.. Dad and Mom are also excited and can't wait to see sis and their adorable grandson. Not too sure how long will sis stay, but deep down my heart, im praying hard that no matter she stay on in Malaysia or to go back to Melb after CNY, i hope and humbly pray that my God will provide the best way for her, bro in law and Yong Shuan. I am really lazy to pen my words and thoughts down on my blog lately, but i hope i will be able to find more time to write when sis and ys is back.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I have nothing much to write lately, many people been asking me how come there's nothing new on my blog and my answer to them is: ''Everyday is the same story, which is just work...and I have been busy lately.'' Honestly, i am always busy, atleast that's what i have been telling people and even to myself! Sigh! I suppose this is life , always giving tonnes of excuses when it comes to time management.
Tonight i went dinner with my ex-diploma gang, 1)long lost missing in action for 2 years chili padi Sharon, 2) long lost engaged, married and now soon to be mother Cassandra and 3) my good housemate Theng. It was a good catch up after so long, and i just love meeting up with friends or gathering (if you read my blog often and you will know). We started with dinner at Vietnam Kitchen in 1-Utama for 2 hours, then continued at Starbucks, customers lounge in 1-Utama, finally left 1U around 12am and continued the fellowship in McD for anther 2 hours.
It was a long night as we started to shared not only about the happy things that had happened but also shared about some relationship problems that one of our good friend is facing now. Besides lending our ears and shoulders to her, we sincerely pray and hope that things will be better. I just wish to say I am truly thankful coz tonight i realized problems in my life are just very small as compared to many out there and I am thankful to be who I am today and what I have today.
Tonight i went dinner with my ex-diploma gang, 1)long lost missing in action for 2 years chili padi Sharon, 2) long lost engaged, married and now soon to be mother Cassandra and 3) my good housemate Theng. It was a good catch up after so long, and i just love meeting up with friends or gathering (if you read my blog often and you will know). We started with dinner at Vietnam Kitchen in 1-Utama for 2 hours, then continued at Starbucks, customers lounge in 1-Utama, finally left 1U around 12am and continued the fellowship in McD for anther 2 hours.
It was a long night as we started to shared not only about the happy things that had happened but also shared about some relationship problems that one of our good friend is facing now. Besides lending our ears and shoulders to her, we sincerely pray and hope that things will be better. I just wish to say I am truly thankful coz tonight i realized problems in my life are just very small as compared to many out there and I am thankful to be who I am today and what I have today.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Mom is back from Melb!
It has been 2 weeks I never post new things to my blog. and there is a very good reason for me to start writing again- Mom is back from Melbourn. Well, if any of you happen to read my sis's blog, you will get to read her post about my mom leaving her place, on the other hand, i am now writing about mom is back to Malaysia. I was so excited on Friday night that i left my house earlier for KLIA and let's see what happened from there:
9.00pm - Reached KLIA
9.10pm - Supposed time of arrival a.k.a me starting standing at the gate waiting for mom
9.15pm - Delayed arrival to 9.35 so i walked around KLIA for fun since nothing to do
9.40pm - back to the gate and waited for mom
9.50pm - ..........waiting............
10.00pm - ..........waiting............
10.15pm - ..........waiting............
10.30pm - ..........waiting............
10.40pm - ..........waiting............
10.50pm - Mom finally walked out from the gate
I was so happy and i went and gave her a big hug, she said reason being late is because the luggage came out kinda late, everyone was waiting just for that. Moreover, she walked slow too because the flight attendant that was suppose to lead her out forgotten about her so she had to asked around and go thru Kastam, took the train and etc..etc...all by herself. You rock mom! Good thing is she turned on her mobile once reached, she called me while waiting for luggage.
She didn't bought many things but just some chocolates and strawberry, the pics below is 1/3 of her chocolate souvenirs to all of us: hahaha, that's her definition of SOME chocolates.
9.00pm - Reached KLIA
9.10pm - Supposed time of arrival a.k.a me starting standing at the gate waiting for mom
9.15pm - Delayed arrival to 9.35 so i walked around KLIA for fun since nothing to do
9.40pm - back to the gate and waited for mom
9.50pm - ..........waiting............
10.00pm - ..........waiting............
10.15pm - ..........waiting............
10.30pm - ..........waiting............
10.40pm - ..........waiting............
10.50pm - Mom finally walked out from the gate
I was so happy and i went and gave her a big hug, she said reason being late is because the luggage came out kinda late, everyone was waiting just for that. Moreover, she walked slow too because the flight attendant that was suppose to lead her out forgotten about her so she had to asked around and go thru Kastam, took the train and etc..etc...all by herself. You rock mom! Good thing is she turned on her mobile once reached, she called me while waiting for luggage.
She didn't bought many things but just some chocolates and strawberry, the pics below is 1/3 of her chocolate souvenirs to all of us: hahaha, that's her definition of SOME chocolates.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
New PC !
Finally my old PC is dead after 6 years with me in KL, and not to mentioned that it was given by my sis (since her TAR college years) before my time of using it. Sobsob, i think is time for the PC to leave us after so many years of service for the Tan sisters.
Let me introduce my new PC, my very first own PC after so many years! Am glad coz its a good feeling getting things done in fast speed with this new PC. I can now enjoy this new PC with web camera, new set of speakers and also 19" LCD monitor. Hehehe, im just very happy about it.
Ohhh......also want to mention thanks to Ken for getting the new PC, fixing and installing everything for me!
Let me introduce my new PC, my very first own PC after so many years! Am glad coz its a good feeling getting things done in fast speed with this new PC. I can now enjoy this new PC with web camera, new set of speakers and also 19" LCD monitor. Hehehe, im just very happy about it.
Ohhh......also want to mention thanks to Ken for getting the new PC, fixing and installing everything for me!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
College Gathering ....Again
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Cool Orientation Program
I went for a New Executive Orientation Program these 2 days. The main objective of this program is to have us get together and know the organization better. In order to achieve that, we had over 20 presenters , from various divisions, groups, Toyota subsidiaries and others to share with us in nut shell what the division and company do. There were 70 of us in total for this program, it all began with a gathering in a big hall, we all stood up, clap our hands and welcome 20 over top management bosses into the hall, then the emcee started announcing each and everyone of our name, and guess what???? Wahahhahha, we walked to the bosses and shake their hands one by one. Is more like a meet and greet your top management session, the best part is the bosses are called to stand and greet us too. Try imagine walking out and shake their hands one by one over 20 times and having them shake all our hands in a total of 20x70=1400 times! Cool right! i honestly salute the Toyota culture, i find this type of practices and cultures healthy.
Personally, i felt very warm and welcome, each of them including all the presenters (they are managers, senior managers and etc) said 'Welcome to the Toyota big family'. Maybe I am 'kampung' but i seriously felt so good about such orientation program. I got to know so much about the company, what do each division and subsidiary do and how much they contribute to the entire UMW group. One common about them is, they all know the Toyota Way very well and practices the Kaizen (continuous improvement) value very strongly coz at Toyota, we believe there is no best but only better through continuous improvement.
At the end of the program, each of us were given a little Toyota training passport, have one page stamped and stated completion of the program and we are to complete a total of atleast 48 hours yearly depending of your grade.
What a great 2 days i indeed very fruitful and informative, and i will need to go for another 4 days training next week! =)
Personally, i felt very warm and welcome, each of them including all the presenters (they are managers, senior managers and etc) said 'Welcome to the Toyota big family'. Maybe I am 'kampung' but i seriously felt so good about such orientation program. I got to know so much about the company, what do each division and subsidiary do and how much they contribute to the entire UMW group. One common about them is, they all know the Toyota Way very well and practices the Kaizen (continuous improvement) value very strongly coz at Toyota, we believe there is no best but only better through continuous improvement.
At the end of the program, each of us were given a little Toyota training passport, have one page stamped and stated completion of the program and we are to complete a total of atleast 48 hours yearly depending of your grade.
What a great 2 days i indeed very fruitful and informative, and i will need to go for another 4 days training next week! =)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Ken's Surprise Birthday Dinner

I was thinking about doing something different for Ken's birthday this year, and instead of just the 2 of us 'again', i decided to ajak his buddies along and have a surprise birthday party for him. We went for a BBQ steamboat buffer. I supposed its a good night for all as the dinner is 'buffet' style, we started from 7.45pm - 11.00pm, the restaurant owner must have hated us. Hahaha.
His friends are a bunch of weird yet interesting people, they talk in funny manners, they joke a lot, they act weird and etc..etc....but when they are serious, they are really serious and please, never play play with them, i have seen them in a serious discussion solving a complicated calculus question..hahahha...that shows how serious they can be even just at solving that!
Anyway, i hope everyone enjoyed themselves and more importantly i hope Ken enjoyed himself and find this day a memorable day. =)
Monday, August 27, 2007
My godnephew
A Gift From Dad
It was a great joy when i saw the pen on the table during my last trip back. Appreciate it especially when i saw the words engraved on it: Audrey, from dad. I guess is really not about the value of the gift nor what the gift is, but is the meaning behind those words...this is one very expensive pen to me. Guess dad must have think that now that i am working, a proper pen will be suitable for me. Anyway, thanks a lot dad, i really love it very much.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Jen-son & Siew Yee's Wedding
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Family & Friends

Today i have a very strong feeling about missing my family and friends. Perhaps its because working in a busy world, many of us can hardly find time to actually meet up or have that kind of luxury and flexibility catching up with each other. I always have this kind of feeling few times in a year, i don't exactly know how to describe this feeling, but i really miss lots of friends very very much and feel like organizing some party and have all get together...I miss some of my old collegemates...and i miss many of my ipoh church gang (hey people, you know who you are ya). Just want to use this channel to tell you guys that although we may not meet or talk often, but i am still thankful for the friendship and let's really find a time to catch up. =)
To my mom, sis, bro in law and little nephew in Melb, i miss you guys alot too, i sometimes just wish that you guys can pack everything and balik Malaysia... am sad that i can only see u all during CNY but im glad that mom is coming back soon! Hurray!! My dad, he is the nearest by the way and i will be seeing him this weekend back in Ipoh..yeahhh!
God knows what are my thoughts now and my prayer to him is to ask Him to keep all of you dear friends and family safe and warm. Cheers!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Gathering + Theng's Surprise Bday Party

2 weeks back we had a get together time with some old collegemates, due to last min plan and tight budget, we had potluck: each of us bring some food and we had makan makan session @ our place. Benny bought a cake and we had a surprise birthday party for Theng Theng during the gathering...and as usual, our dear 'kinda blurrr' Theng Theng was so surprised and truly touched by us. Wahahhahaha! Now that 2 weeks passed and i just upload the pic, happy belated birthday babe.
Fun with Ken & Gang
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Yong Shuan
Annual Leave
Dear peeps, just to share with you guys that i will not be having any annual leave for a year, that's sad huh...apparently this is like 'the' policy in toyota, everyone will need to go thru this no matter what level you are in, employees there are not allowed to take any annual leave for the 1st year (because tak ada AL to take ok), if you needed a leave badly, it can be unpaid leave but very much subject to you superior's approval. Guess what? i don't think i have the courage to apply for leave since im so new there ok, am hoping that i can perform my best and my boss can just confirm me earlier...hahaha...
But my worries now is Chinese New Year..since I am not local and need to Balim Kampung, well, i shall see how when its near :'(
But my worries now is Chinese New Year..since I am not local and need to Balim Kampung, well, i shall see how when its near :'(
Sensative Nose
It has been a long long while since i have sinus, i usually will get it when i am back in Ipoh just for maybe a day or 2 due to the change of weather. Ipoh is always hot and stuffy, air-con is a 'must' but my nose will suffer the next day morning, sigh! Since 3 weeks ago, sinus attacked me and this time round is a bad one, i get it everyday, not just morning but the whole day. Plus my work station now is kinda cold, everyone there wears a jacket everyday, i have my jacket on too but i think i need a mask more than a jacket coz of the stupid SINUS!!! i need badly to cover my nose and keep them warm, but too bad i do not have the courage to put a mask on in the office..haha
Let me share a bit on how bad sinus can affect a person:
I welcome recommendation and solution to sinus, please post your comments to me, thanks!
Let me share a bit on how bad sinus can affect a person:
- Is like a non-stop flu that will eventually cause headache or a more serious one: migraine
- Headache/ migraine make one can't focus on what they are doing: this means it affect my productivity at work
- Imagine a non-stop mucus can really create a very bad impression to people around you, or in other words: is irritating and disgusting
- Lastly, you will need tonnes of tissue papers. For example like 4-5 packets just one morning, what a big consumption right..and too much of tissues also means that it will start causing pain to your nose ok. It may bleed at times too!
I welcome recommendation and solution to sinus, please post your comments to me, thanks!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Chen Li, Ken and myself went shopping in Mid Valley and 1-Utama yesterday to hunt for shoes. Hahaha, coz Ken's shoes very 'buruk' already, and mine got 'eaten' by Pipi...sigh! Our hunting trip was kinda boring, we generally visited all the big and small shops that sells shoes in both the shopping complexes. after 5 hours in Mid Valley, we didn't get any shoes, but we ended up with other things like pants, belts, shirts and etc...and finally brought what we wanted in 1-Utama.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
First Day @ Toyota
Hahahahaha... hahahahahaha... i am so happy! today is my first day in my new work place- UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd. Based on my 1st day there, i can only conclude that big company is indeed efficient, i have my pc, login Id, email address, work station all ready by today! and tomorrow will be getting my Id card too, plus the best part is i love my email address:, easy to remember man~
I am very actually kinda tired today coz i have been resting and sleeping late the past 10 days, now i find it difficult to drag myself out from bed, partly is also because i was too anxious last night til i couldn't sleep and had stomach upset in the middle of the night, pheew...thank God i managed to get up this morning (with panda eyes and yawning the whole day)
But nonetheless, i am still excited and passionate to explore my career in Toyota, i pray that this spirit will go on and on and on and on...So let's kambateh for tomorrow and the many tomorrow to come, way to go Audrey!!!
I am very actually kinda tired today coz i have been resting and sleeping late the past 10 days, now i find it difficult to drag myself out from bed, partly is also because i was too anxious last night til i couldn't sleep and had stomach upset in the middle of the night, pheew...thank God i managed to get up this morning (with panda eyes and yawning the whole day)
But nonetheless, i am still excited and passionate to explore my career in Toyota, i pray that this spirit will go on and on and on and on...So let's kambateh for tomorrow and the many tomorrow to come, way to go Audrey!!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
PAA: Party After Ages...
Shen Liang
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Since i am on a week break, ive been thinking alot lately about my family, work, Ken and people around me, i am grateful actually coz things been great and fantastic in life. Having said that, it doesn't mean that things are forever good and i believe many of us understand this theory, as there are indeed many 'down' moments in life. But generally all those down moments shaped us who we are today and who we will be in the future. Again, i am glad and thankful coz i think these are all blessings from God...
Things and people that you always think are impossible to change may not be true, and i have such a strong faith that 'ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE' through strengths given and your faith. Die-hard characters can also be changed if you have the faith in that, im one good example i suppose, ask my family and they would be able to tell you that i have changed, or rather this is part of the growing process in life. But as for myself, i choose to believe that these changes in me, in things and people around me are gifts and blessings from above. Indeed with faith, all things are possible, and we will be surprice when miracle happens.
People get tired in running the race in life at times, and i get tired easily. Since i feel so lifely and motivated today, so is better that i share my thoughts down and hopefully this will be an encouragement for myself in future. =)
Things and people that you always think are impossible to change may not be true, and i have such a strong faith that 'ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE' through strengths given and your faith. Die-hard characters can also be changed if you have the faith in that, im one good example i suppose, ask my family and they would be able to tell you that i have changed, or rather this is part of the growing process in life. But as for myself, i choose to believe that these changes in me, in things and people around me are gifts and blessings from above. Indeed with faith, all things are possible, and we will be surprice when miracle happens.
People get tired in running the race in life at times, and i get tired easily. Since i feel so lifely and motivated today, so is better that i share my thoughts down and hopefully this will be an encouragement for myself in future. =)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
What I do on a Monday in Ipoh?
It has been a long long time since my last long break back in Ipoh, today is officially the 1st day of my 1-week break back in Ipoh...check out my to-do list for the day:
- 8.00am - Got up from my bed after Ginger came and greet me with her saliva
- 9.00am - Do laundry for dad and myself, (90% dad's and 10% mine)
- 9.30am - Feed Pipi and Ginger
- 10.00am - Breakfast
- 10.30am - Bought some vege for tonight's dinner with dad
- 11.00am - Sweap and mop the floor
- 11.30am - Clean the kitchen (kinda dusty since Mom went to Melb and dad hardly use it)
- 12.00noon - Bath Pipi and Ginger
- 1.00pm - Light lunch
- 2.00pm - Bath
- 2.15pm - Go banking
- 3.00pm - Get some rest
- 5.00pm - Preparation for dinner
- 7.00pm - Dinner with dad
- 8.00pm - Astro drama series moment (since i didnt get to enjoy this in KL)
- 11.00pm- Net surfing and blogging
- 12.00am - End
That's my first day in Ipoh, i guess first day is alwasy busier, haha! i should be able to get more rest and hang out with some old friends for the rest of the week.
Look at the Rambutan, we bought them in Sg. Petani, and have a look at my nice work at the picture on the right, i find that much easier to eat in that way, and its certainly more delicious when it is being served cold and fresh from the fridge.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I am back in Ipoh today, finally will be having a short break before my new job starts…As I was chatting with dad on our way back from dinner, sharing with him my work and farewell, I started to reflect upon my life these past few years, I am thankful truly to God for always being there and guiding me thru all these years. Things in life have always been wonderful and great…I suppose dad is so right, I need to be thankful to God and not taking the credit to myself, thanks dad for reminding me on that…
Yesterday was my last day at RHB Bank; and I concluded some sort of mixed emotions in me: I am sad to leave a bunch of nice colleagues and good bosses, my heart moved when everyone begin to send me wishes and farewell notes. And on the other hand, i am also excited about the new chapter in my life - my new job. Life oh life...people come and go all the time...
Though I am sad to leave, yet thanks to a group of happening and fun colleagues or rather friends for having a very memorable farewell for me, i will remember each and everyone of your blessings and wishes to me, terima kasih! I am truly truly touched! and i am also glad that people actually enjoy my presence around =)
Though I am sad to leave, yet thanks to a group of happening and fun colleagues or rather friends for having a very memorable farewell for me, i will remember each and everyone of your blessings and wishes to me, terima kasih! I am truly truly touched! and i am also glad that people actually enjoy my presence around =)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Dad and Ginger
Dad & Ginger, the perfect match. Before Ginger came into our family, frankly speaking, the dad that i know has never like pets in his entire life, and coming from a dog lover's point of view, i can almost concluded that he hates pets. But however, i suppose things has change a lot ever since Ginger came into our family. Dad behaves differently, from no touching, to hugging, cuddling, and even sharing the same bed, opps...Somehow there is a special chemistry between the 2 of them, Ginger listens to dad more and she seems to stays really good girl and still whenever she is with dad.
Check out the pic where Ginger is hiding behind dad's legs. She is just so adorable, isn't she?
Who is Ginger?
She is an intelligent poodle that knows how to 'sit', 'left hand', 'right hand', 'down' and etc. She will be extremely smart -sit still and wait for you or put her hand out before you command anything when you have food in your hand. Wahhahhaa, that's one typical dog huh!
Monday, July 16, 2007
A new family member on board
We all love you mini SW (call him mini SW for the time being, my bro in law is SW Lee by the way). Muaks!
My love, my blessings and my prayers will always be with you...
My Nephew!
Welcome to the world! i often say these words to people that complain about today's world, especially the cruel and real part about It. But today i sincerely say this to my newphew...'Welcome to the world my dear nephew' indeed glad that he is finally here but too bad he is so far away from me and can only see him maybe year end... Well, for those that may not know, my sis and bro in law stays in Melbourne, really miss them a lot man, wanting so much to fly there now to visit them and my little nephew.
See below my nephew's details:
- Name: My Nephew Lee / Mini SW Lee
- Age: 1 day old
- Gender: Male
- Weight: 2.72kg
- Look-a-like: so far can only comment that his little mouth really look like sis's...
What do you think about the names below? Comments are more than welcome:
- Dennis
- Edmund
- Brandon
- Bryan
- Christopher
- Craig
- Derek
- Dylan
- Dathan
Love you my dear nephew, i will be the best aunt on Earth! Hugs!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
My first blog
It has been a long while since sis and many friends always share their blog URL with me, asking me to read this and view that on their blogs. I first thought that these people are really funny and so hardworking up loading things on their blog, and i just can't understand why...but i think now i kinda understands them better as a just started my first blog! In fact i find blogging fun, except i still find a little 'stone' designing my own blog. This is just such an interesting activity and channel to share my daily happenings with all my friends, and i certainly hope i will not bore whoever that read my blog
Thanks sis for sharing the joy of blogging with me! I think I am enjoying it...
Thanks sis for sharing the joy of blogging with me! I think I am enjoying it...
My first Cookies
Today is my first time trying out baking cookies, simply because i think its easy and worth trying it out since Ken loves chocolate chips cookies. To be honest, i did one last night and it didn't went too well. I did all the mixing part and just turned to the right temperature and time, left them in the oven just like that. And by the time i went and check on them, it was already too late, they turned black! haha! they are all burnt.
So i decided to try again this afternoon, it was alright, some burnt and most are considered successful. At least Ken and my housemate theng theng said its i suppose today's cookies' mission accomplished.
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