Sunday, November 11, 2007

Best afternoon ever...

This afternoon is one of the best afternoon ever in my working life in KL so far, with no prior mention and planning, Theng and myself started to clean our house! We cleaned those dirty and dusty areas (we usually try to skip those difficult to reach and move areas during our weekly cleaning) and mop more than 10 times...we cleaned the living room, dining areas, kitchen and the balcony, we even took out all the empty containers, cooking and eating utensils and clean them all. Not just that, we also moved the furnitures around so that it looks neater and more spacious. Pheew...although is really tiring yet its a great afternoon and we are truly satisfied about the team work and hard work to make our house a better place to stay. =)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Learning Hua Yu

Yup, i know it sounds funny to have such a title, coz i am one that do not need to learn about Bahasa Cina, Mandarin or Hua Yu...simply because i am already a chinese educated girl ( no doubt i did O-level, my Mandarin is not that great nor my English is fantastic) Sigh! sad huh...Until today, im still learning everyday from chinese newspaper and i have to check the chinese dictionary (which i hated most during primary and secondary school days) daily. WHY am i doing such a thing??? BECAUSE i am the only person who so call know Mandarin in my whole department, and all chinese ad, chinese copy has gotta check thru by ME, can you guys believe that i am proof reading chinese copy. What to do...since i have the benefit of being a chinese educated girl (which i am honestly proud of it and thanks to my dad for sending me to chinese school), i need to improve my chinese by reading more now. I sometimes find it stressful to check all the chinese ad and the copywriting, always worry that others may not agree with the word used and etc..etc..All i can do now is just to read more, look more into my dear dictionary. I just want to be better and better in no matter what i am doing.......

Sis & Yong Shuan is coming back!

2 days back was one of the happiest day in my life, that is: to know that sis is coming back from Melb in just 3 weeks times. Im just happy about the fact that she is coming back and not to forget my dear nephew Yong Shuan too! Although my bro in law will still be in Melb working but he will be back by CNY.. Dad and Mom are also excited and can't wait to see sis and their adorable grandson. Not too sure how long will sis stay, but deep down my heart, im praying hard that no matter she stay on in Malaysia or to go back to Melb after CNY, i hope and humbly pray that my God will provide the best way for her, bro in law and Yong Shuan. I am really lazy to pen my words and thoughts down on my blog lately, but i hope i will be able to find more time to write when sis and ys is back.