Let's talk about the course first: honestly, i find the course fruitful, we have different colleagues from different country such as Korea, India, Thailand, Philippine, Taiwan and others to share their market situation and we had case study on Corolla. I get to know how people manage a product that has been existing so long the market and different markets will need different approach managing a product life cycle. I get to personally meet the people that i have always talk to on the phone and email....it was a fun yet very fruitful course. I wish there are more these that i can attend in future too...
I didnt really get a chance to shop around much but i visited James, Vanessa, Kiat and Joo Lian, and not forgetting that i wanted to go and see animals so i went to the ZOO...hahahhaha...
Check out the hotel i stayed:
And here comes the ZOOOOOO: